Linda found her way to practicing yoga during an intense time of uncertainty, isolation, and great stress. Yoga proved to be such an effective tool that she was hooked! Linda completed her 200-hour certification in 2023 at Hope Yoga and is a proud graduate of their inaugural Resilience Yoga Teacher Training. Her interest in and reverence for all that encompasses yoga has only continued to grow since those early days on her mat.

"I want to share the practice of yoga with others because I have experienced its powerful transformative qualities and healing modalities firsthand. Yoga has changed my body, but it has also changed how I walk through the world and has shifted my perspective, both on my mat and off. Because of my own ongoing journey of healing, I want to help others find their paths to healing whatever it is that needs to be healed for them, to learn better ways to care for and nourish themselves body, mind, and spirit, and to discover their unique purpose in life, the food for their soul. My teaching style is supportive, encouraging safety, autonomy and choice, so that each student grows in their own unique practice."

Linda is a student of Ayurveda in the Shakti School's 300-hour certification.

She will always be "Student first, teacher second. The student fuels the teacher in me."